The following information is provided for convenience and informational purposes only (i.e., this is not engineering advice). Survey requirements may differ based on the project scope. If you are concerned about project schedule and don't have time to wait for reviewers to clarify survey requirements, you may choose to order survey with more of the required information below. The only drawback to ordering more information is the additional cost of survey services and the up-front time to complete additional survey.
Survey Type
Most projects will require a boundary, topo and/or a specific purpose survey. Projects that only involve preliminary layout and planning may only require a boundary survey. Most projects will require a boundary and topographic survey. Projects that are very limited in scope and area may only require a specific purpose survey.
Topographic Surveys
Topographic surveys typically are requested to include the following:
- Finished floor elevations
- Possibly the finished floor elevations of the structures on adjacent properties
- Ground shots within the perimeter of the site on a 20 ft by 20 ft grid. Include shots along property line.
- All surficial signs of utilities, including manholes, valves, drainage grates, etc.
- Onsite utilities shall be surveyed per the description below.
- Ground shots along and extending beyond the property line on a grid offset 5, 10 and then 20 feet beyond the property line (usually for any project that has to do with drainage)
- Survey within the roadway extending the frontage of the property, picking up the asphalt, curbing, swales, water meters, sanitary cleanouts, etc. Most single-family residential projects will require this along the side of the property only through the centerline of the roadway or the furthest edge of pavement. See below for additional offsite requirements for commercial projects.
- Provide a benchmark.
Offsite Survey Information
Additional offsite information (i.e., outside of the property line or even further away from the project site) may be required for projects that involve driveway or utility connections, or utility extensions and drainage improvements within the road right-of-way. Include all surficial signs of utilities, including manholes, valves, drainage grates, etc.
Projects including commercial driveway connections usually require detailed right-of-way surveys.
Projects involving commercial development usually require the next nearest fire hydrant to be located in the survey.
Drainage and Utility Information
Projects with utility and/or drainage connections usually require:
- All surficial signs of utilities, including manholes, valves, drainage grates, etc.
- Pick up all sanitary manhole rim elevations, invert elevations and pipe diameters.
- Pick up all drainage structures, grate elevations, invert elevations, including pipe sizes and sump depths. Extend the survey limits as far as needed to pick up next closest drainage structures.
- Call in for utility locates and locate any paint marks along the frontage of the property and within the entire limits of the survey.
Septic and Drainfield Projects
The following shall be required at a minimum plus any additional information required per Florida Administrative Code:
- Three copies of survey, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Florida, as specified in Rule 64E-6, F.A.C.
- Provide a benchmark on the property for use by the agency performing the soil investigation. Need location & elevation of a certified benchmark on survey. Certified benchmark as per surveyor is required on site evaluation Form DH 4015 page 3 of 4 as well as on site plan.
- Pick up required information for the design of a OSTDS (septic drainfield,) including identifying the location and distance of any existing public wells on or within 200 feet of the property.
- Provide the location and distance of any private wells, septic systems or surface waters on or within 75 feet of the property. If none of these features are located within 75 feet of the perimeter of the property, the following statement must be on the survey: There are no wells, septic systems or bodies of water within 75 feet of the property line except as shown. The word visible must not be used in this statement.
- If there is a body of water within 75 feet of the property line, the surveyor must show the Mean Annual Flood Line marked by an approved indicator. Note that edge of water is not acceptable. Need Mean Annual Flood Line (MAFL) of the surface water as per Memo HSES 11-006 10-005, 09-006, 05-003.
- Pick up all potable and non-potable water lines, including valves that exist on the property or within 10 feet of the property line.
- Need to show location of connection of potable water supply line to the building, & its setback shall match with site evaluation Form DH 4015 page 3 of 4.
- Show all recorded easements on the property.