Value Engineering - Let's discuss how we can lower your project costs!
Value Engineering - Let's discuss how we can lower your project costs!
Scenario 1 - The first scenario is where there is an available sanitary sewer or forcemain with an established connection point for your property (called a point of service), and typically doesn't require a civil engineer like Orange Group Engineering.
Scenario 2 - The second scenario is where sanitary sewer or forcemain is nearby and requires an extension of the facilities or a connection point installation, thus requiring a civil engineer. At Orange Group Engineering, we specialize in providing these services.
Gravity Sewer - a sanitary sewer line that flows via gravity on a slope from sanitary manhole to manhole, usually located in the center of a road to serve both sides of the street.
Sanitary Manhole - Structures located below ground that serve as access and connection or junction points for gravity sewer lines. You can see the covers for these manholes and they are typically labeled SANITARY with the name of the utility provider.
Sanitary Lateral - a smaller diameter sewer line that runs from your property (usually starting at the property line) and connects underground into the main line gravity sewer.
Service Connection/Service Line - the line that runs within your property from your structure to the point of service at your property line.
Point of Service - the point at your property line beyond which the responsibility of the utility ageny ends an yours begins.
Please note that this process applies to situations where the City of Orlando's Water Reclamation Division already has a gravity sewer connection at or near your property line. There are many situations where your property may be on septic although a sanitary sewer is available at or near your property line. In most cases this occurs with older properties that were constructed prior to the availability of sanitary sewer. However, over the years, municipalities have been required to construct sanitary sewer facilities and make them available to the public. This usually occurs during a sewer or roadway retrofit project, so if you have seen recent work in your roadway, you might now have a sanitary facility to connect to. Note: one way you can visually tell of sanitary facilities exist in your roadway is to look for sanitary manhole covers (usually) in the middle of your roadway.
Step 1: Confirm if sewer service is available near your property. You can do this by contacting the City of Orlando's Water Reclamation Division or checking their website for sewer availability - Check Sewer Availability
Step 2: Complete a Sewer Application - Fill Out Form
Step 3: Hire a Licensed Plumber - note that this is only for work from your structure to the property line or connection point. If connection lengths travel deep into the roadway or significantly beyond the property line, then a licensed underground contractor and professional civil engineer may be required.
Step 4: Get Your Permit (see above links)
Step 5: File Notice of Commencement (see above links)
Step 6: Schedule Inspections (see above links)
There is a second scenario for sanitary sewer connection that differs from scenario 1 in that although sanitary sewer is technically available to serve your property, the infrastructure to serve it has not been constructed. Pleas note that under this scenario, the local Health Department may still require you to connect, rather than allowing the installation of an onsite septic system. An example of this may be where a gravity sewer or forcemain has been installed along a main crossroad adjacent to your street, but the facilities may not have been run down your street. Another example may be that a gravity sewer may have been installed down your street, however the later connections to each property have not (this could also be due to properties being subdivided after the connections being installed to the original larger properties).
Under this scenario, either the gravity sewer or forcemain needs to be extended, lateral connections installed from the main line to the service point at the property line, roadway work and restoration required, or all of the above. This scenario typically requires a Civil Engineer like Orange Group Engineering to perform the engineering design and permitting. Engineering design for sanitary sewer and forcemain connections requires analysis of existing conditions (such as conflicts under the roadway), calculations to size the pipes properly and permitting through additional agencies such as the local health department.
At Orange Group Engineering, we can quickly help you determine if you fall under scenario 1 or if more detailed engineering design and permitting is required.